Blitz, directed by Steve McQueen, is a gripping depiction of London during World War II's blitzkrieg. The narrative unfolds ...
Steve McQueen's Blitz is a searing period action drama that imagines one story in The Blitz, when Nazi Germany bombed the UK ...
“Any war reference, you’d never see any of us in that situation,” McQueen said matter-of-factly. He recalled a Chinese man ...
Somner, who also worked with Steven Spielberg and Paul Thomas Anderson, served as First Assistant Director on "Blitz" and ...
Steve McQueen set out to bring the 'ghosts' of wartime London to light in 'Blitz,' a movie centered on the love between a ...
Watch the longtime collaborators discuss their latest film (now streaming on Apple TV+) in an exclusive video.
The filmmaker explains why his latest is "very different" from other films about the German bombing campaign in London.
In celebration of IndieWire Honors, 'Blitz' star Saoirse Ronan tells us what make Steve McQueen and Adam Stockhausen perfect ...
Blitz' filmmaker Steve McQueen pays loving tribute to Adam Somner, a go-to producer and first assistant director who died in ...
The former Turner Prize-winning artist’s latest work is racial history masquerading as a chocolate-box depiction of the ...
The picture, following personal stories of people whose lives were changed forever by World War II, was screened at the ...
Blitz is hugely entertaining - Dickensian comedy and Shakespearean drama with a Cockney accent, writes Simon Morris.