Nick Wilson - South Africa's largest retailer Shoprite has launched three new supermarkets under its namesake brand at former Pick n Pay sites in Gauteng.In an interesting ...
US net crude oil imports are forecast to fall by 20% next year to 1.9 million barrels per day, their lowest since 1971, the Energy Information Administration has said, pointing ...
Die jaar 2024 was uiters gebeurtenisvol, vol nuus gepak; nie altyd nuus waarna ’n mens uitgesien het nie. Die oorloë in Sirië, Soedan, Mianmar, die Midde-Ooste en die ...
Sy het besef maatskaplike euwels was besig om kinders se lewens oor te neem, en daarom het sy reeds in 2016 met die jeug van Walvisbaai begin werk. In 2019 begin die ...
Carol Paton - South Africa's proposed agenda and priorities for the G20 were strongly supported by member nations at the first Sherpa meeting in Johannesburg on Tuesday, ...
Josef Kefas Sheehama - Namibia is presently experiencing socioeconomic challenges; the most important and urgently needed plan is the N$85 billion job creation plan, which ...
Kudakwashe Manjonjo - The United Nations’ 29th annual climate change conference of the parties, COP29, ended with countries from the global north committing US$300 billion ...
Namibië het Maandag die Internasionale Geregshof (Wêreldhof) versoek om te beslis dat die verpligtinge van lande wat histories en tans die meeste verantwoordelik is vir ...
China's top leaders and policymakers are considering allowing the yuan to weaken in 2025 as they brace for higher US trade tariffs in a second Donald Trump ...
Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah (72) is almost guaranteed a place in Namibian history as the first woman to become the ­president of the southern African nation of three million ...
Sedert die Windhoek Life Change Centre (WLCC) in November 2001 gestig is, het dié inisiatief reeds talle kwesbare mense ondersteun. Vir die 23ste herdenking van die WLCC ...
Danksy ’n nuwe boorgat het die wilde perde van die Suide en die groot aantal wild, wat gemsbokke tot volstruise insluit, weer water. Tans is die toekoms van dié grasieuse ...