The number of Hungarians seeking medical help with acute respiratory infections (ARI), including influenza-like symptoms has ...
Erzsébet Némedi will be our speaker at the following event: ...
The number of Hungarians seeking medical help with acute respiratory infections (ARI), including influenza-like symptoms has ...
Fifteen years of a true celebration of the Hungarian real estate industry! The most important real estate results and performances of the year Company round tables, standing reception, and networking ...
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Cost efficiency, speed, accuracy, and workforce optimisation are among the most critical tasks for everyone. Technological innovations, digitalisation and robotisation, cutting-edge manufacturing, ...
He started his career as an economic planner at the Ministry of National Economy, then worked as an economic analyst and later as a modeller at the Hungarian National Bank. Later, he was Chief ...
Tibor Gaál is the founder and co-owner of the Phlegon Group, a group of companies active in the energy market. He is an economist and commercial specialist, who graduated from the College of Commerce ...
Az OpenAI újabb lépést tett a ChatGPT chatbot technológiájának kereskedelmi hasznosítása felé. A cég csütörtökön bejelentette ...
Szerda este elvesztette a bizalmatlansági szavazást a Nemzetgyűlésben Michel Barnier francia miniszterelnök, ezzel megbukott ...
Az elmúlt években nem sikerült kitörni abból a csapdából, hogy a gyors reálbérnövekedés közgazdasági alapjait nem teremtettük ...
Az EU vezetÅ‘i egy 500 milliárd eurós közös védelmi alap létrehozását tervezik, amely kötvénykibocsátással finanszírozná a ...