Devastating Health Crisis Unfolds in Florida School Following Teacher's Tragic Death** In a shocking turn of events, a kindergarten teacher at Pasadena Fundamental Elementary Sc ...
A Pasadena Fundamental Elementary teacher died last month. Shortly after, seven of the school’s classrooms were vacated while ...
School principal Donita Moody informed parents that children would be taught elsewhere while a reportedly hazardous air ...
SOUTH PASADENA, Fla. — A building at an elementary school in Pinellas County remains off-limits for students after a beloved ...
The Pasadena Fundamental Elementary is mourning the loss of one of their teachers, 61-year-old Kathy Pennington, after she ...
Officials said Katherine Pennington, a teacher at Pasadena Fundamental Elementary School, tested positive for Legionella, the ...
Katherine Pennington, 61, a teacher at Pasadena Fundamental School, tragically died on November 24 after testing positive for ...
A 61-year-old teacher at a St. Petersburg elementary tested positive for legionella, the bacteria that causes Legionnaire's ...
Health officials at a St. Petersburg elementary school are investigating the death of kindergarten teacher Katherine ...
The 61-year-old teacher at Pasadena Fundamental Elementary School died Nov. 24 after four days in intensive care, ...
Seven classrooms at a Pinellas County elementary school have been temporarily vacated and state health officials are conducting an investigation following the death of a teacher who tested positive ...
The big story: Air quality in schools has grabbed more attention in recent months, particularly among campuses swamped by ...