A City Council committee agrees that an ordinance codifying the wage boost should be drafted for its review in June, before ...
Less than a year after it came into effect, the state’s alternatively decried and hailed $20 fast-food pay law may get a 3.5 ...
Fast-food job losses in California were up after the passage of the $20 minimum wage for some workers, according to the ...
The planning subcommittee voted to put an up-to-3.5% increase in the $20 per hour wage on the agenda, but it will be a ...
One year after California introduced a first-of-its-kind $20 minimum wage for fast-food workers, an increase of up to 70 ...
Because the bill that created the wage law specified that it applies only to chains with at least 60 locations nationwide, ...
A year after California's pioneering $20 minimum wage for fast-food workers, a new wage increase is being considered. The ...
California's Fast Food Council considers increasing the $20 minimum wage for fast-food workers, a year after its introduction ...
Did the $20 minimum wage help fast food workers, or instead cut jobs and raise prices? Depends on who you ask.
California’s Capitol has seen countless conflicts between economic interests, but few match the intensity of a duel between ...
The debate is picking up steam as the Fast Food Council, an entity created to oversee pay and working conditions, ponders a ...