An adult animated series, Arcane is a steampunk adventure-action series on Netflix. Created by Christian Linke and Alex Yee, ...
Fans of Arcane Season 2 are experiencing a mix of emotions after the dramatic and visually stunning Act 3. In fact, it has ...
Christian Linke has opened up about the death of Jinx in Arcane Season 2 after speculation that the LoL champion is still ...
Season 2 shows us new relationships while continuing to build upon ones from the previous season, further enriching the story ...
EXCLUSIVE: Arcane's executive music producer Alex Seaver explains why season 2 pushed the budget to $250 million, breaking ...
Did Heimerdinger actually die? Read about the League of Legends champion’s fate in Arcane Season 2, and how he might be alive ...
Any reference to Episode or Act is specific to Season 2 unless specified. Let's start with a simple one: Arcane excels ...
Last month, Netflix and Fortiche Productions dropped the final three episodes of Arcane, their hit animated series based on ...
Arcane executive music producer Alex Seaver explains why season 2's massive $250 million budget was necessary to create a ...
Jaw-dropping animation, stellar performances and some amazing action sequences still can't save Arcane from its rushed Season ...