It's a bird; it's a plane!! It's a ... cloud?! No, it's a massive, once-military-grade hover-capable blimp designed to ...
In the last decade, changing U.S. Administrations have become increasingly tumultuous, as the swings in priorities and directives have a ...
The urgent need for regenerative solutions to climate change, biodiversity loss, and ocean degradation has sparked a wave of ...
Odfjell SE, Terntank, Chemship, EPS and MOL explore wind-assisted propulsion, while Stolt Tankers prioritises alternative ...
Odfjell selected the 22m autonomous suction sails after evaluating wind propulsion options with research institute RISE ...
U.S. President Donald Trump expressed his desire to reestablish the relationship that he had with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un during his first term, boasting that he "got along... South Korea's ...