01. Hereford Mappa Mundi, by Richard of Haldingham or Lafford, c.1300 While there are thankfully quite a few historic world maps still knocking around today, the Mappa Mundi kept in Hereford ...
In 2001 or 2002, I discovered a little booklet about maps in a British museum bookshop and found a circular map called the Ebstorf Mappa Mundi (a medieval European map of the world). It was a ...
Sipganus, aka Japan, and Spagnola, aka the island of Hispaniola, were the same. The Albi Mappa Mundi is a medieval map that was included in a manuscript from the latter half of the 8th century.
How many Broadway shows has Liam Tobin been in? Liam Tobin has appeared on Broadway in 1 shows. How many West End shows has Liam Tobin been in? Liam Tobin has not appeared in the West End.
Laura Canali, cartografa e artista, spiega come sono state pensate e realizzate le copertine e alcune carte del nuovo volume Limes in questa edizione di Mappa ...
L’esposizione, curata da Chiara Rabbi Bernard e Claudio Parisi Presicce, è dedicata alla collezione Farnese, massima ...
Media personality, Berla Mundi, has expressed frustration over the growing problem of noise pollution in Ghana. In a post shared on social media on February 13, 2025, Berla Mundi labelled Ghana as ...
Le chiome rigogliose, stagliate come filtro da cui guardare l’empireo, sono rifugio trasversale dal tempo e dallo spazio, Axis mundi tra il piano fisico e quello spirituale che riconduce a una ...
La complessità dell'intervento La pavimentazione rientra nello stesso finanziamento PNRR Caput Mundi e contempla anche la sostituzione dei vecchi corpi illuminanti con nuovi apparecchi LED.