More than a third of students’ voting rights in Missoula may soon be lost because of a new bill in the Montana Senate.
On a March evening, the frantic pounding of drums, wail of a guitar and cheers of concert attendees pierced the calm, ...
The shelter costs $1.8 million to run, but the Poverello Center, another homeless shelter in Missoula, splits the bill with ...
The searing pain, the eventual scab and the ever-permanent scar. Scars can happen for a variety of reasons, but more often, ...
Rehearsals for the performance began in January and have been a labor of love for all involved. Senior recitals, according to ...
By the time the University of Montana softball team plays its first home opener this year, it will have been 332 days since ...
The regular season ended for Griz basketball on March 3 and the team honored its seniors as they took home the win and ...
Dreams have long been a mysterious fascination. Some even claim that dreams can tell you the secrets of your inner psyche. If ...
On the lighter side of crime, University police had to deal with one rambunctious child and three adults acting like one this week. If you must act like an animal, ...
As spring break nears, many students are anxiously awaiting the opportunity to get out of town and travel to the vacations of their dreams. But for many, a recent and ...
Grunts and cheers filled a corner of the University of Montana’s Fitness and Recreation Center as Missoula’s climbers faced off in Sunday’s annual Rock the Rec climbing competition.
Two students from UM advocated for nuclear disarmament at the third United Nations meeting and protested discussing a treaty ...