A 104km race which will serve as training and performance evaluation for cyclists will take place today, Thursday, February ...
Uhuru Kenyatta, Olusegun Obasanjo and Hailemariam Desalegn were appointed on February 24, 2025 on the heels of a joint ...
The one-time Cup of Cameroon winners, that marvelled in the Play-offs of the championship last season, sit bottom in the ...
A diner was offered the UBA Chairman, Tony Elumelu, special guest of the President of the Republic by the Prime Minister, ...
Schistosomiasis also called bilharzia is a urinary tract infection caused by a parasite. The common one we have in our ...
The family of the player has reportedly filed a complaint against the club president although a video of the goalie saying he is in good shape circulates on social media.
Municipal authorities in Cameroon are now bracing up for the cleanest town competition that has for some years now been organized by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development. The competition that ...
Le Programme des Nations unies pour le Développement a lancé le projet « Safe Space, Strong Voices » lundi dernier à Yaoundé.
Il a été installé dans ses fonction le 25 févier dernier par Joseph Christian Biloa Abouma, secrétaire général de la région.
Après le repos, les clubs du championnat national de football féminin de première division ont, pour la plupart, repris les ...
Les professionnels agréés par l’organisme ont invité les médias la semaine dernière à Douala pour vulgariser leurs missions ...
Le projet a été évoqué lors d’une réunion du Syndicat des communes de la Sanaga-maritime tenue le 19 février dernier à Edéa.