Kyoto City Bus dates back to 1912, starting as Japan's first tram line before evolving into the extensive bus network ...
Koyasan is a beautiful area known for its central place in Shingon Buddhism. The area is full of spiritual sites, nature, and ...
When visiting Osaka in winter, you can't miss the colorful illuminations that decorate the city! In the cold, clear winter ...
札幌藥妝店是來自北海道的連鎖藥妝店, 公司成立至今已超過50年。在札幌、小樽、函館、登別等知名景點, 及北海道各地約有200家門市,除北海道外,在沖繩和台灣也有札幌藥妝喔! 免稅門市,除了販售人氣醫藥品、化妝品、食品外,也有販售適合當伴手禮的北海道限定商品 和札幌藥妝才有賣的限定商品喔!