Student loan borrowers could see their payments increase under budget plans currently under discussion by House Republicans, ...
With no support from Democrats, House Republicans are set to vote on a budget bill Tuesday with little room for defectors.
An amendment negotiated by House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington, R-Texas, and conservatives on his panel would ...
"Let's not lock ourselves into anything right now until we actually get the reconciliation package,” U.S. Rep. Zach Nunn, an ...
Ahead of the scheduled vote today, critics of the budget have warned that should the budget get approved, it would result in ...
House Speaker Mike Johnson will try against the odds to muscle a Republican budget blueprint to passage this week, a step ...
House Republicans released a budget proposal that effectively calls fora $4.5 trillion tax cut funded by $1.5 trillion in reduced spending and borrowing the remaining $3 trillion. It should be a ...
“Right in front of our eyes, you’re seeing the destruction of the United States of America, and the beginning of a ...
The House speaker is set to put a budget resolution up for a floor vote on Tuesday but is facing a potential revolt from ...
The pressure is on today for House Speaker Mike Johnson to kick-start the chamber’s push to deliver on President Donald Trump ...
It is hard to imagine a more appalling trade: sacrificing the health of working class and low-income families so that the ...