The Vatican said Francis, 88, who has been hospitalized for pneumonia, was responding well to treatment and that it was too ...
The 88-year-old pope remained conscious and alert at all times and cooperated with the maneuvers to help him recover.
Despite his hospitalization, the pope has maintained a degree of governance and authorized the appointment of four new ...
The Vatican has set in motion nightly prayers for Pope Francis in the hope that he might recover and get back to leading the ...
Pope Francis is arguably one of the most progressive popes to lead the Catholic Church. His position on LGBTQ+ people shook ...
Pope Francis suffered a sudden episode of respiratory difficulty and was put on a breathing machine on Friday, according to ...
For centuries, one of the biggest taboos at the Vatican was openly discussing the pope's health. As leader of the world's 1.4 ...
The Vatican’s early Friday update also suggested a level of normalcy and routine as the 88-year-old pope continues recovering ...