Businesses are using AI for more than answering the phones. Jagriti Dawar, branch president for RobotLab of Eastern ...
Skidmore grad Zaria Forman creates realistic work of glaciers and icebergs that also raise funds to combat global warming.
[Photo by Cao Zhengping for] Thanks to a cold wave, the Hengshan Mountain scenic area in Hunan province has welcomed a stunning landscape of ice, snow, and rime, attracting ...
Sichuan province—advertised a picturesque snow landscape for guests to enjoy during the Lunar New Year celebrations last month. Photos of the event resembled scenes from a Christmas card ...
NORFOLK, Va. — Hampton Roads experienced one of its most significant snowfalls in years, with a foot of snow falling in some areas. Due to snow-covered roads and slick conditions, a Weather ...
Yoopers must have skipped the snow dance and gone for an all out choreographed recital this winter. Across the Upper Peninsula, snow totals are arching over seasonal averages, well into triple ...
A bus driver in Pickens County, South Carolina, showed her excitement over the snow after dropping her students off at school. Alex Owens sent us the video above Thursday morning. He said his ...
Another winter storm has dropped more snow over several states in the central and southeastern portion of the country Wednesday, with more in the forecast for Thursday. The National Weather ...
Memphis and surrounding areas received 1-2 inches of snow overnight. An extreme cold warning is in effect for Memphis from Wednesday evening through Thursday morning. Wind chill temperatures are ...