Tourists who are desperate to leave the gloomy British winter behind seem to have found a new go-to destination. The hidden gem has been turning heads with its perfect blend of sun-kissed shores ...
Late one night, he insisted we book our tickets for the coming December. “Norway in winter is my life’s dream,” he said, plaintively. What self-respecting parent could deny their child such ...
No matter. By all objective standards, the Winter Games were a smashing success. “It was just an awesome day,” Ian Frank, president and CEO of Special Olympics Maine, said. “We had over 400 ...
No matter. By all objective standards, the Winter Games were a smashing success. “It was just an awesome day,” Ian Frank, president and CEO of Special Olympics Maine, said. “We had over 400 ...
Sign up for the Slatest to get the most insightful analysis, criticism, and advice out there, delivered to your inbox daily. During most winters, there come days when ...
I’m here to help take away the stress. Here, I rounded up 12 cocktail winter outfits to inspire you to say “yes” to those plans—and feel amazing when you walk through those doors ...
The southernmost states (who admittedly haven’t been suffering the most from a frigid winter) have the best odds of seeing unseasonably warm temperatures over the next three months. Will La ...
It’s really, really cold again — as the US shivers through at least the eighth blast of air from the Arctic this winter. Winter, which is warming faster than any other season for much of the ...
Depending on where you live, winter can mean snow-covered landscapes, long nights full of stars, frigid temps, and time for rest. Hibernating in winter is a great strategy for many, but what about ...
Backgrounds in Avowed are selected when creating your character before starting the game, fleshing out the story of your created character before the events of the story. They add to the RPG ...