Last Wednesday, the Twin Cities woke up to streets blanketed with snow. After experiencing a long and cold winter, students ...
Alta reported Friday it has received over 400 inches of snowfall this season, making it one of the few in North America to do ...
“This has been Blue Mountain’s highest attended ski season ever,” said Ashley Seir, a spokesperson for Blue Mountain Resort ...
While other parts of the state have recorded some staggering snowfall amounts, New York City has only recorded 12.9 inches of ...
The date of the last snow varies year-to-year, but here's when the season typically ends and the latest it has snowed.
Snow last week helped northern Michigan set a new record for seasonal snowfall. At midnight Friday evening, the National ...
Kissing Bridge and Holiday Valley are enjoying one of their best ski seasons in recent memory, thanks to favorable weather and significant investments in snowmaking technology ...
It also has had plenty of duds, with very little snow falling from the sky. Barring any unexpected blizzards, this winter season could end up ranking among the 30 least-snowy seasons in 131 years.