Testing a stool sample can help doctors find out what's going on when someone has a problem in the stomach, intestines, rectum, or other part of the gastrointestinal (GI) system. Unlike most other lab ...
Malaise and fatigue often go hand-in-hand and indicate a child is sick or about to become sick. Symptoms can start slowly or appear suddenly depending on the cause. They can be acute (short-lasting) ...
We see and hear about hearts everywhere. A long time ago, people even thought that their emotions came from their hearts, maybe because the heart beats faster when a person is scared or excited. Now ...
Earaches are common in kids and can have many causes. Here’s why they happen and what to do when your child complains of ear pain. Give acetaminophen or ibuprofen as needed to ease pain (check the ...
Why are my breasts different sizes? Is there anything I can do about it? It is normal to have different sized breasts. If you have just started developing breasts, one breast may grow more quickly ...
When a baby is born with a cleft, it's important to help the baby feed well to prevent dehydration and make sure they gain weight. Babies born with a cleft may need some special feeding help. The only ...
People who have symptoms of COVID-19 or who test positive for it (even without symptoms) should stay home and away from others to prevent spreading the infection. This is known as isolation. Keeping ...
infection in the urinary tract irritation or injury of the genital area stones (small masses of minerals) in the urinary tract Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most common cause of pain during ...
What Is Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)? Respiratory syncytial (sin-SISH-ul) virus (RSV) is a major cause of respiratory illness in children. The virus usually causes a common cold. But sometimes it ...
Heavy metals are elements that are found in soil, water, and the air we breathe. Plants take up these metals as they grow and can end up in the food we eat. Our bodies need some heavy metals (like ...
Both the brain and the spinal cord are protected by bone: the brain by the bones of the skull, and the spinal cord by vertebrae, a set of ring-shaped bones. They're both cushioned by layers of ...
Right ventricle (VEN-trih-kul): one of the four chambers of the heart. The right ventricle pumps blood low in oxygen to the lungs. In the lungs, the blood then gets a "refill" of oxygen.