Stephanie Lampkin is the CEO of Blendoor, a merit-based recruiting platform that takes names and photos out of the early ...
Not until you reach retirement age. Typically that's 65, though many pension plans allow you to start collecting early retirement benefits as early as age 55. If you decide to start receiving ...
These days, Daymond John is best known as the impeccably dressed star investor of reality show Shark Tank, but his reputation -- and his millions -- were first made as the co-founder and chief ...
It was 2001 during the dotcom crash, and Cecilia Pagkalinawan had a tough choice: Raise more money for her startup or let 26 employees go. She set up a meeting with a powerful venture capitalist ...
Not far from the storied venture capital firms on Sand Hill Road, there’s a palatial estate where Masayoshi Son, Silicon Valley’s newest kingmaker, shapes the future. Reaching him requires ...
Any money you contribute from your paycheck is always 100% yours. But company matching funds usually vest over time - typically either 25% or 33% a year, or all at once after three or four years.
Education data was collected by the U.S. Census and covers public school children prekindergarten through twelfth grade. Prison data from the Vera Institute was collected in each state using a ...
Some of the tech industry's biggest and most influential employers in Silicon Valley fight hard to keep private details about the diversity of their workforce. More ...
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States must meet the federal wage baseline of $7.25 for all covered workers. Click here for more coverage of minimum wage.
Obama administration outlines plans for more Arctic oil drilling, but says new leases won't be granted until 2016 to allow more time for studies. More ...
Think you're paid what you're worth? Explore how your salary compares to the average earnings in your country, then see where your wage sits globally. Find out how your wage compares to the ...